Blitz 1UP

Giving indie developers a boost


  • Indie Game: The Movie
  • 21/09/2010 may have heard about Indie Game: The Movie when it was bouncing around on

  • Explosionade! Just like Mommy used to make...
  • 21/09/2010's just like lemonade, but with EXPLOSIONS.Mommy's Best Games, developer of the awesome Weapon of Choice and Top Ten rated XBLIG shooter Shoot1UP have announced that they're releasing a whole new game to XBLIG by the 25 of September! your friends are storming the Horronym Fortress but Colonel Bouche left you to guard the supply depot.

  • Location Based Competition
  • 14/09/2010

    Got a great idea for a location based game? Fancy getting 10,000 Euros to develop it further?Future Position X and Locamotive AB, in association with Nordic Game Program, have announced an international contest for the best Location Based Game Concept.

  • Developers Go Indie, Everyone Wins
  • 27/08/2010

    Wired have posted interviews from three games industry veterans/teams who have left big publishers to go indie and are making it work.

  • 2011 Indie Game Challenge - win $100,000
  • 25/08/2010 second annual Indie Game Challenge is now taking submissions for 2011.

  • Size Doesn't Matter, It's How You Use It.
  • 20/08/2010 August 17th a number of indie game developers got together and agreed to blog about a single topic “Size Doesn’t Matter”.

  • Indievision: self publishing on XBLIG
  • 19/08/2010 support website IndieVision have a great article about the pros and cons of self publishing through the Xbox Live Indie Games channel.From their article: "XBLIG is an open channel on the Xbox 360 that allows indie developers to sell their games through the Xbox 360 dash without requiring any platform holder approval.

  • New Grant Available to UK Start Ups
  • 18/08/2010

    The University of Abertay have announced a new scheme to help support and create jobs in the UK games industry.

  • Looking to Jam? – Ludum Dare 18
  • 18/08/2010 think Game Jams are great.

  • Interview with Rock Paper Shotgun's Kieron Gillen
  • 16/08/2010 Blitz 1UP team interview Kieron Gillen, director of Rock Paper Shotgun and author of the infamous How to Use and Abuse the Gaming Press blog, to find out what lights up his inbox.1.