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Giving indie developers a boost


Last call for entries to the Independent Games Festival!

The 2011 Independent Games Festival chairman, Brandon Boyer, has made a final call for entries to this year's IGF. Pointing out that the Main Competition deadline is in less than one week! If you plan on entering you had better do it NOW!

"With just less than seven days remaining until the IGF's Main Competition deadline of October 18th at 11:59 PM PDT, we just wanted to write a quick update to say boththanks to entrants so far, and best of luck to all our entrants that have already or are in the process of submitting.

Across both the Student and Main competitions, we're already creeping quickly toward the 200-entry mark. Expect many multiples of that to follow in the next few days, since it wouldn't be the IGF without that final sprint to submit your game before the midnight deadline!

Looking over entries so far, we're all already incredibly pleased with the diversity of play styles, aesthetics and voices on display. As always -- and uniquely to the IGF -- we will release a public database of entrants just a few days after Main and Student Competition entries close, complete with descriptions, a screenshot and a video.

This means that entered titles should get much interest even separately of the final outcome, thanks to the tens of thousands who browse our entry database looking for unique and new independent games.
In addition, a reminder is due for our Student Showcase entrants that the deadline for that competition is November 1st. So time is also drawing near to enter for a chance to showcase your student-created title at GDC and compete for the Best Student Game Award. (Of course, you're welcome to enter your student game in both Main and Student divisions of the IGF.)

We're looking forward to spending more time with your games in the coming months, and in talking more about our stellar lineup of judges and jurists this year.

In fact, we are now assembling expert-specific juries for each individual IGF award, alongside our mammoth set of judges to help select and comment on the hundreds of entries. You'll be hearing much more about all this soon - so go enter now, and good luck!"


Here are a few highlights from last year’s entries, many of which are this year's success stories!



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