It’s not the most glamorous of jobs but sooner or later we all need to write a document.
Unity is a free to use 3D game engine that offers PC, Mac, and even Web Browser support.
PNGOptimiser is a free tool that makes it easy to shrink the file size of your images without losing the quality.
Never manually rename files again! Bulk Rename Utility is a free file renaming program for Windows that, as the name suggests, makes it easy to rename files and folders in bulk.
Sculptris is a free 3D sculpting application from Dr.
http://forums.blitz1up.com/download/file.php?id=From Indie to IndieAndrew Docking reflects on how a mildly successful games developer can achieve a long-held ambition of programming while wearing pyjamas.My latest game KrissX is a fantastically sparkly and addictive word puzzle game which launched recently on Xbox LIVE Arcade, PC, Mac and Facebook.
http://forums.blitz1up.com/download/file.php?id=In The BeginningThe genesis of Remode can be traced back to when Andy Russell and Martin Darby were still studying at University of Plymouth on the Digital Art & Technology (DAT) BSc.