Blitz 1UP

Giving indie developers a boost


Experimental price points for DLC

Last week Cliffski released some new DLC for Gratuitous Space Battles. The most interesting bit wasn’t the content, it was the price point. Cliffski is known for creative posts and experimental sales tactics. The latest lets you choose from two prices for the exact same pack.

"Now comes the slightly wacky bit. I’m selling this DLC for $5.99, just like all the previous races were, and there is no change there. If you are a long time GSB player and just want the new race, then go buy it, it’s $5.99. That gets you the standard version of the DLC. There is also a 'discount’ version of the DLC. The difference between the two is that one is $5.99 and one is $2.99. That’s it."

From Cliffski’s point of view why wait for a month or two to pick up the DLC in a Steam sale? If you would never pay £4.14 ($5.99), you might as well get the discount version now.

Click the tropical vacation button to pay £4.14 to help Cliffski to develop more games and content (or possibly to one day cover the cost of his solar panels). Click the maggot button to pay half as much...

Cliffski made the sales from each price point public from the outset and last time we checked the Standard Edition was winning:

Standard Sales: 313
Standard (Gross) Revenue: 1874.87
Discount Sales: 172
Discount (Gross) Revenue: 514.28


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