Blitz 1UP

Giving indie developers a boost


"Indie Fund" is live!

Looks like the ace Indie Fund business angel service for Indies started by Jonathan Blow, Kyle Gabler, Aaron Isaksen, Kellee Santiago, Nathan Vella and Matthew Wegner is now open for business!

Indie Fund is a funding source for independent developers, created by a group of successful Indies looking to encourage the next wave of game developers. It was established as a serious alternative to the traditional publisher funding model. Our aim is to support the growth of games as a medium by helping Indie developers get (and stay) financially independent.

They seem to have adopted a pretty open investment model with flexible milestones, no long term obligations and proportional repayments. All sounds lovely to us!

You can check out the fund and find out how to apply for your own cash money at the source below. You'll need a game that brings something new to the table, a playable build, a video and to be a small indie team in order for your wonder-game to be considered, but that's about it really. Oh, apart from the need to be able to make some money from the game of course!


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